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  • Surprisingly! Orchid michelia x alba(white orchid) is passed off as Jasmine Tea?
Surprisingly! Orchid michelia x alba(white orchid) is passed off as Jasmine Tea?

In the present jasmine tea industry, there seems to be a strange phenomenon: as long as one knows that magnolia denudata is used for aroma-based scenting in Jasmine Tea, then the tea will seem to be not pure enough and will go down in price. Therefore, many merchants are secretive about this, saying that there is no magnolia denudata in their own Jasmine Tea, and consumers also mistake that if there is magnolia denudata in jasmine tea, then it is fake Jasmine Tea.

In terms of this issue, we specially consulted a senior expert in the Jasmine Tea industry. He corrected a concept in the first place, saying that the statement of using “magnolia denudata” for aroma-based scenting was wrong, exactly, it should be using “michelia x alba(white orchid)” for aroma-based scenting.

Because magnolia denudata is not edible. Magnolia denudata and michelia x alba(white orchid) are two kinds of totally different plants (magnolia denudata belongs to an ornamental tree and is inedible, while michelia x alba(white orchid) contains linalool, phenethyl alcohol, methyl eugenol and other ingredients and can be used for scenting tea, making wine or extracting essence), but many people falsely and gradually mistake magnolia denudata as michelia x alba(white orchid).

Surprisingly! Orchid michelia x alba(white orchid) is passed off as Jasmine Tea?-

Will using michelia x alba(white orchid) for aroma-based scenting really make the quality of Jasmine Tea worse?

Surprisingly! Orchid michelia x alba(white orchid) is passed off as Jasmine Tea?-

Let's first get to know what aroma-based scenting is. The so-called aroma-based scenting refers to adding some other extraordinarily fragrant flowers before scenting flower mixing or during scenting of Jasmine Tea so as to enhance the aroma depth of Jasmine Tea.

Why do we need to use other flowers for aroma-based scenting? It is because that the aroma of jasmine itself is light and elegant, if you do not add some highly-fragrant flowers for aroma-based scenting, the overall aroma is not so strong and rich. Using other flowers for aroma-based scenting first will make the aroma of Jasmine Tea much richer and make the tea smell stronger.

Is michelia x alba(white orchid) allowed to be used for aroma-based scenting for Jasmine Tea?

This is entirely feasible. The technical specification of Jasmine Tea processing of the National Standard GB/T 34779-2017 clearly stipulates that in the scenting process of Jasmine Tea, a small amount of another kind of fragrant flowers (michelia x alba(white orchid), etc.) are used for aroma-based scenting first, or a small amount of other fragrant flowers are mixed with jasmine flowers for scenting so as to increase the aroma concentration of Jasmine Tea.

Surprisingly! Orchid michelia x alba(white orchid) is passed off as Jasmine Tea?-

Therefore, michelia x alba(white orchid) can be used for aroma-based scenting for Jasmine Tea. Of course, in addition to michelia x alba(white orchid), you can also use other flowers, such as chloranthus flowers and grapefruit flowers. As long as this flower is fragrant enough and not poisonous, it can be used for aroma-based scenting.

However, most Jasmine Tea in the market takes michelia x alba(white orchid) for aroma-based scenting. Why? Simply put, compared with other flowers, michelia x alba(white orchid) is better to plant, the yield is higher, and the aroma is much stronger.

Generally speaking, jasmine tea can be scented with white orchid flowers,and there is no such thing as "jasmine tea made with white orchids is inferior tea".
